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手塚 健陽 






例えば「Noel & Bishele」では、イタリアの映画監督ミケランジェロ・アントニオーニの映画を見て、私が感じた彼の視点を取り入れています。





そういった視点を「Noel & Bishele」「ある島」「光の砂漠」等に取り入れています。

2011年 「Noel.Bishele」SPCギャラリー(東京)


2022年 Special Edition 2022 『4人展』

      RISE GALLERY(東京)



2019年  イラストレーション「ホルベイン×ザ・チョイスvol.4」 最終選考
2019年  イラストノート「第8回ノート展キャラクター部門」入選

​​2019年  イラストレーション「第213回 ザ・チョイス」入選

​​2020年 「漫喜利-MANGIRI」中村ケンゴ賞 受賞

2023​年  大阪弁護士会 マスコットキャラクター受賞

2019年 「自分の力で肉を獲る- 10歳から学ぶ狩猟の世界」



2020年~  会報誌「和楽」(NPO法人日本地主家主協会)



Kenyo  Tezuka

Contemporary artist

Graduated from Tokyo Zokei University, Department of Fine Arts

Lives and works in Tokyo


I create stories in which the pictures are the main subject, underpinned by painterly techniques and the perspective of contemporary art.

To be more specific, like a film director, I create a script or story, then I structure the scenes, excerpt the scenes and think about the angles. The important thing is to know which scenes to select and which angles to cut out.  how to create different interpretations of a single scene. That's what I'm looking for.

For example, in "Noel & Bishele," I watched a film by Italian filmmaker Michelangelo Antonioni and incorporated his point of view that I felt.

To give you an example, suppose you are walking in the desert and see a car parked there. From the rear of the car, there is nothing unusual about it, and you think it has a flat tire or has been abandoned. Next, you look at the car from the front and see numerous bullet holes on the hood. In other words, there is a gunfight going on here and it is a very dangerous situation, which changes your sense of value at once.

If you look at one scene from a different perspective, you can see a new fact. I felt that Michelangelo Antonioni was talking about the fact that it is impossible to capture because it depends on which point of view you look at it from.

Even in the scene where the protagonist is driving a car, he expresses the scene from many different perspectives, such as focusing on the houses seen from the car window while the protagonist is in focus, or changing the angle drastically the next moment and shooting the protagonist from behind the car as if someone is following him in another car.

The focus on the protagonist gives the impression that the protagonist is thinking about something, the focus on the cityscape shows the disparity between the working class people.In the scenes that focus on the protagonist, you get the sense that he's thinking something, in the scenes that focus on the View of the town, you get the sense that there's a disparity between the working class and the rest of the population, and in the scenes where you're following from behind, you get the sense that there's an element of suspense, that there's tension.

This perspective is incorporated in his major works such as "Noel & Bishele," "An Island," and "Desert of Light.

Solo exhibition
2011 「Noel.Bishele」SPCgallery,Tokyo

Group Exhibition

2006  "Tokyo Wonder Wall 2006" Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo

2022 「Special Edition 2022」RISE GALLERY, Tokyo


2019 「Holbein x The Choice vol.4」 Final selection
2019 「8th Notebook Exhibition Character Division」Winning

​​2019 「213th The Choice」Winning

2019 Illustrations for the book "Catching Meat on Your Own - Learning the World of Hunting from a            10-Year-Old

    Written by Shinya Senmatsu (Junpo Publishing)

2020- Illustrations for the newsletter "Waraku" (NPO Japan Landlords and Landlords Association) 

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